
QuickStart for people in a hurryΒΆ

You are in a hurry, so we’ll assume you are familiar with Pyramid, Paster, and Pip ;)

To use Cornice, install it:

$ pip install cornice

That’ll give you a Paster template to use:

$ pcreate -t cornice project

The template creates a working Cornice application.

If you want to add cornice support to an already existing project, you’ll need to include cornice in your project includeme:


You can then start poking at the file that has been created.

For example, let’s define a service where you can GET and POST a value at /values/{value}, where value is an ascii value representing the name of the value.

The views module can look like this:

from cornice import Service

values = Service(name='foo', path='/values/{value}',
                 description="Cornice Demo")

_VALUES = {}

def get_value(request):
    """Returns the value.
    key = request.matchdict['value']
    return _VALUES.get(key)
def set_value(request):
    """Set the value.

    Returns *True* or *False*.
    key = request.matchdict['value']
        # json_body is JSON-decoded variant of the request body
        _VALUES[key] = request.json_body
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return True


By default, Cornice uses a Json renderer.

Run your Cornice application with:

$ pserve project.ini --reload

Set a key-value using Curl:

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:6543/values/foo -d '{"a": 1}'

Check out what is stored in a foo values, open http://localhost:6543/values/foo