Cornice provides helpers to build & document REST-ish Web Services with Pyramid, with decent default behaviors. It takes care of following the HTTP specification in an automated way where possible.
We designed and implemented cornice in a really simple way, so it is easy to use and you can get started in a matter of minutes.
A full Cornice WGSI application looks like this (this example is taken from the demoapp project):
from collections import defaultdict
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden
from pyramid.view import view_config
from cornice import Service
user_info = Service(name='users',
description='Get and set user data.')
_USERS = defaultdict(dict)
def get_info(request):
"""Returns the public information about a **user**.
If the user does not exists, returns an empty dataset.
username = request.matchdict['username']
return _USERS[username]
def set_info(request):
"""Set the public information for a **user**.
You have to be that user, and *authenticated*.
Returns *True* or *False*.
username = request.authenticated_userid
if request.matchdict["username"] != username:
raise HTTPForbidden()
_USERS[username] = request.json_body
return {'success': True}
@view_config(route_name="whoami", permission="authenticated", renderer="json")
def whoami(request):
"""View returning the authenticated user's credentials."""
username = request.authenticated_userid
principals = request.effective_principals
return {"username": username, "principals": principals}
What Cornice will do for you here is:
Please follow up with Exhaustive features list to get the picture.
Cornice is a project initiated at Mozilla Services, where we build Web Services for features like Firefox Sync. All of what we do is built with open source, and this is one brick of our stack.
We welcome Contributors and Feedback!