
Internationalization and localizationΒΆ

For internationalization and localization to work with your project you should follow instructions on Pyramid docs

You should also add two settings to you project .ini file:

pyramid.default_locale_name = en
available_languages = en fr pl

There are few places where translations will be performed automatically for you by Cornice using request.localizer.translate function:

  • Colander validation errors (standard validators and custom)
  • Custom validation errors added with request.errors.add(location, name, description, **kwars) (only description field will be translated)

For custom error messages you are strongly advised to use TranslationString from pyramid.i18n module.

from pyramid.i18n import TranslationString
ts = TranslationString('My error message')

This applies to errors returned from Cornice validation:


from pyramid.i18n import TranslationString

def custom_cornice_validator(request, **kwargs):
    # do some validation and add an error
    request.errors.add('body', 'field', TranslationString('My error message'))

def service_handler(request):
    return {}

and Colander validation too:


from pyramid.i18n import TranslationString

def custom_colander_validator(node, value):
    # do some validation
    request.errors.add('body', 'field', TranslationString('My error message'))

def MySchema(MappingSchema):
    field = SchemaNode(String(), validator=custom_colander_validator)

@service.get(schema=MySchema(), validators=colander_body_validator)
def service_handler(request):
    return {}

You can also use factory for TranslationString as it makes your code easier to read.