

4.X to 5.X

Upgrade your codebase to Python 3.

In order to keep using simplejson with this release, add it explicitly as your project dependencies, and set it explicitly as the default renderer:

import simplejson
from cornice.render import CorniceRenderer

class SimpleJSONRenderer(CorniceRenderer):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs["serializer"] = simplejson.dumps

config.add_renderer(None, SimpleJSONRenderer())


3.X to 4.X

request.validated is now always a colander.MappingSchema instance (dict) when using colander_*_validator() functions.

In order to use a different type (eg. SequenceSchema), use colander_validator() and read it from request.validated['body'].

2.X to 3.X

acl and traverse parameters are no longer supported. ConfigurationError will be raised if either one is specified.

A class decorated with @resource or @service becomes its own route factory and it may take advantage of Pyramid ACL.


def custom_acl(request):
    return [(Allow, Everyone, 'view')]

@resource(path='/users', acl=custom_acl, collection_acl=custom_acl)
class User(object):

    def __init__(self, request, context=None):
        self.request = request
        self.context = context


class User(object):

    def __init__(self, request, context=None):
        self.request = request
        self.context = context

    def __acl__(self):
        return [(Allow, Everyone, 'view')]

1.X to 2.X

Project template

We now rely on Cookiecutter instead of the deprecated Pyramid scaffolding feature:

$ cookiecutter gh:Cornices/cookiecutter-cornice

Sphinx documentation

The Sphinx extension now lives in a separate package, that must be installed:

pip install cornice_sphinx

Before in your docs/



Validators now receive the kwargs of the related service definition.


def has_payed(request):
    if 'paid' not in request.GET:
        request.errors.add('body', 'paid', 'You must pay!')


def has_payed(request, **kwargs):
    free_access = kwargs.get('free_access')
    if not free_access and 'paid' not in request.GET:
        request.errors.add('body', 'paid', 'You must pay!')

Colander validation

Colander schema validation now requires an explicit validator on the service view definition.


class SignupSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    username = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
def signup_post(request):
    username = request.validated['username']
    return {'success': True}


from cornice.validators import colander_body_validator

class SignupSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    username = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String()), validators=(colander_body_validator,))
def signup_post(request):
    username = request.validated['username']
    return {'success': True}

This makes declarations a bit more verbose, but decorrelates Cornice from Colander. Now any validation library can be used.


Some of the validation messages may have changed from version 1.2. For example Invalid escape sequence becomes Invalid \\uXXXX escape.

Complex Colander validation

If you have complex use-cases where data has to be validated accross several locations of the request (like querystring, body etc.), Cornice provides a validator that takes an additionnal level of mapping for body, querystring, path or headers instead of the former location attribute on schema fields.

The request.validated hence reflects this additional level.


class SignupSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    username = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), location='body')
    referrer = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), location='querystring',
def signup_post(request):
    username = request.validated['username']
    referrer = request.validated['referrer']
    return {'success': True}


from cornice.validators import colander_validator

class Querystring(colander.MappingSchema):
    referrer = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), missing=colander.drop)

class Payload(colander.MappingSchema):
    username = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())

class SignupSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    body = Payload()
    querystring = Querystring()

signup = cornice.Service(), validators=(colander_validator,))
def signup_post(request):
    username = request.validated['body']['username']
    referrer = request.validated['querystring']['referrer']
    return {'success': True}

This now allows to have validation at the schema level that validates data from several locations:

class SignupSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
    body = Payload()
    querystring = Querystring()

    def deserialize(self, cstruct=colander.null):
        appstruct = super(SignupSchema, self).deserialize(cstruct)
        username = appstruct['body']['username']
        referrer = appstruct['querystring'].get('referrer')
        if username == referrer:
            self.raise_invalid('Referrer cannot be the same as username')
        return appstruct

Deferred validators

Colander deferred validators allow to access runtime objects during validation, like the current request for example.

Before, the binding to the request was implicitly done by Cornice, and now has to be explicit.

import colander

def deferred_validator(node, kw):
    request = kw['request']
    if request['x-foo'] == 'version_a':
        return colander.OneOf(['a', 'b'])
        return colander.OneOf(['c', 'd'])

class Schema(colander.MappingSchema):
    bazinga = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), validator=deferred_validator)


signup = cornice.Service()
def signup_post(request):
    return {}


def bound_schema_validator(request, **kwargs):
    schema  = kwargs['schema']
    kwargs['schema'] = schema.bind(request=request)
    return colander_validator(request, **kwargs)

signup = cornice.Service(), validators=(bound_schema_validator,))
def signup_post(request):
    return {}

Error handler

  • The error_handler callback of services now receives a request object instead of errors.


def xml_error(errors):
    request = errors.request


def xml_error(request):
    errors = request.errors


The support of config.add_deserializer() and config.registry.cornice_deserializers was dropped.

Deserializers are still defined via the same API:

def dummy_deserializer(request):
    if request.headers.get("Content-Type") == "text/dummy":
        values = request.body.decode().split(',')
        return dict(zip(['foo', 'bar', 'yeah'], values))
    request.errors.add(location='body', description='Unsupported content'),

But now, instead of using the application registry, the deserializer is accessed via the validator kwargs:

from cornice.validators import extract_cstruct

def my_validator(request, deserializer=None, **kwargs):
    if deserializer is None:
        deserializer = extract_cstruct
    data = deserializer(request)


The built-in colander_validator supports custom deserializers and defaults to the built-in JSON deserializer cornice.validators.extract_cstruct.


The attributes registry.cornice_deserializers and request.deserializer are not set anymore.

Services schemas introspection

The schema argument of services is now treated as service kwarg. The service.schemas_for() method was dropped as well as the service.schemas property.


schema = service.schemas_for(method="POST")


schema = [kwargs['schema'] for method, view, kwargs in service.definitions
          if method == "POST"][0]